Level 2 Information

Wakaaranga School reopens to all students on Thursday 18 February 2021

It was a big relief to hear we are moving back to Alert Level 2 and we look forward to welcoming all our students and staff back on-site tomorrow, Thursday 18 February.
Thank you once more to our parents and caregivers for the support you have shown throughout Alert Level 3.
We are preparing our school once again for Alert Level 2 following guidelines from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.

It is still important that you take the time to read this information. It is crucial that you understand what we are doing to ensure that the students and staff team at Waka are safe. Please talk to your child about the information included so they are reminded and understand what this will look like for them also.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION — Please read carefully

  • Limiting the number of visitors entering the school site (this includes all parents/caregivers)

    - Parents/caregivers must avoid coming onto the school grounds unless it is absolutely necessary. Every person who comes onto the school site must be recorded on our contact tracing register (through our school app) or must scan in via the COVID-19 app. To ensure contact tracing is adhered to, each of the 3 school entrances will be supervised by a staff member and will be open from 8.15-9am and 2.50 – 3.10pm.

    - Rather than coming onto the school site we ask that you arrange a safe meeting point just outside of the school grounds to drop off and pick up your child e.g. Galloway Park or the reserve on the corner of Butley Dr and Stannilands St to avoid the gate rush at peak times.

    - We do, however, realize that some children will require their parents to come on site with them, but we must severely limit this number. For parents who do need to come on site please note that you will not be able to spend an extended period on the school grounds or in the classroom and that you must maintain social distancing.

  • Distance learning

    - The last day of distance learning will be today, Wednesday 17 February. After this time our home learning programme will only be available for those unable to attend school for example, where families are self-isolating due to being in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID19 or for students who have severe health challenges and who have been directed to stay in self isolation. As our school will officially be reopening to all students, and the teachers will be back full-time at school with their classes, home learning programmes will not be available for those who opt to keep their children at home.

  • Reinforce the basic hygiene messages with your child

    – everyone should regularly wash and dry hands, cough and sneeze into their elbow, and try to avoid touching their face and not sharing drinks or food.

  • Masks and face coverings

    – these are optional for staff and students within the school setting.

  • Keep any sick children at home

    - Even if your child has a mild cold, they must stay at home

  • Absences

    – If your child is not attending school for any reason please ensure that you follow our usual school procedures and report their absence to the school office asap. This is a legal requirement.

The significant changes for the Alert Level 2 school environment are:

  • Physical Distancing – In an Alert Level 2 school environment, physical distancing means children, young people, and staff maintain a physical distance so that they are not breathing on or touching each other

  • Hygiene - Good hygiene practices (coughing into your elbow, handwashing and drying) and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. Children will be expected to sanitize their hands upon entry to the classroom or any other shared space.

  • Mass gatherings – educational facilities are not considered places of mass gatherings because they are managed environments. This means there are no restrictions on numbers of people indoors or outside at schools other than what other public health or health and safety measures require. The exception is where people from outside the school may be attending, e.g. parents coming to assemblies

  • Sports and playgrounds – school playgrounds, sports equipment use and activities can resume. Contact sports can resume. This relies on being able to contact trace who is on site during school hours and at school team training and competitions. Any inter school events that recommence will need to have a contact tracing register in place to record those playing for and against teams.

  • There are no restrictions on groups of children and students mixing with others on site.

  • Teachers/staff are not restricted to one group.

Wendy Poole